Exemplary Proposals

All selected proposals are posted with the kind consent of their authors. We also acknowledge the dedicated staff members in these principal investigators' departments who played a major role in readying the proposals for submission.

Bridge Funding

Interim support necessary to maintain ongoing research efforts during a temporary lapse in external funding which is beyond the control of the faculty member.

Fields with Limited External Funding

Support for faculty members in fields where there is little external funding available. This category does not include fields where there is significant external funding available, albeit this funding may be difficult to obtain due to the level of competition.

Multicultural Research

Support for interdisciplinary research that is engaged with underrepresented communities and focuses on issues related to diversity, equity, and advocacy.

New Assistant Professors

Funding of new members of the faculty, particularly junior faculty, who need assistance in establishing research, scholarly, or artistic programs.

New Research Direction

Support for faculty members moving into significantly different areas of research or scholarship. Proposals in this category must include specific language explaining how this project is significantly different from PI's previous research. Proposals in this category should pose a very different set of research questions that will likely lead to new sources of external funding.

Shared Equipment

Support or partial support for major capital equipment that is not currently available, that will be shared by several faculty members, and that will increase the likelihood of external funding.

Special Requests for Established Investigators' Pilot Projects

Funding for established investigators (associate professor and professor) to obtain pilot data for projects involving a new research team, a new research direction, or a unique extension of existing work and that has promise to lead to substantial future external funding.