NRRI Awarded $1.3 Million Toward Pursuit of Green Iron Plant

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UMN’s Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI) is making strides toward a sustainable future with its green steel initiative, specifically reaching an important milestone in their pursuit of a one-gigawatt hydrogen-based green iron plant.

As part of the Midwest Industrial Transformation Initiative (MITI) collaboration, NRRI, in collaboration with industry, community, and government partners, has received $1.3 million from the Department of Energy’s Office of Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization (IEDO). The funding will support an evaluation of the prospective plant's technical and economic feasibility. If successful, the project could pave the way for a secure, low-carbon domestic iron supply for the US steel industry, with potential applications extending to other carbon-intensive sectors.

“This green iron project will be the first of its kind, putting the US on a trajectory to maintain global competitiveness as the demand for green iron and other critical materials grows,” said NRRI Executive Director Rolf Weberg.

The project is also part of the University’s biennial request to the Legislature.

Leveraging Minnesota’s natural resources, technical expertise, and industry partnerships, NRRI’s work positions the state as a leader in advancing low-carbon solutions. See news coverage from the Star Tribune, the Timberjay and WDIO.