Research Animal Resources (RAR) provides the University of Minnesota research community with animal care, procurement services, veterinary knowledge, and maintenance of housing facilities for animal-related research activities.
Mission: Research Animal Resources strives to advance scientific progress and promote the humane treatment of animals, in partnership with the University of Minnesota's research community, by providing exemplary service & education in animal care, procurement, health and well-being.
Animal Care at the University
Regulatory oversight for all research animal care is managed by the Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).
Day-to-day management of animal care facilities and provision of veterinary care is the responsibility of RAR. RAR directly manages most animal care facilities on the Twin Cities Campus and indirectly oversees the management of laboratory animal facilities on other campuses.

Since 1980, RAR has been an accredited program through the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care, International (AAALAC).
AAALAC promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through a voluntary accreditation program through which “research programs demonstrate that they meet the minimum standards required by law, and are also going the extra step to achieve excellence in animal care and use.”
Animal Research Ethics at the University
The University of Minnesota supports the use of animals in research projects for its crucial contribution to discoveries that improve and save lives. The U maintains the highest standards of animal care; conforms to all ethical, legal and safety regulations; and only uses animals when there is no accurate, scientifically validated alternative.