Contact Us

General Information & Main Office

Phone: (612) 626-2126

Questions or Concerns

Contact the main IACUC office for questions about continuing review, deadlines, and meetings. For all other questions, please contact:

Ilana Cohen, PhD
Director, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
(612) 624-3363

Self-Report a Protocol Deviation or Adverse Event

Please use the IACUC Self Report an Incident Form to report protocol deviations or adverse events related to your own IACUC protocol and corrective actions to be taken by you and your staff. Submit completed forms to This form should not be used for reporting noncompliance or other issues that you believe to have been committed by other groups. These issues can be brought to the IACUC’s attention by email ( or via the UReport anonymous system, or can be reported to RAR.

Abuse or Violations

Use the University reporting service to confidentially report animal welfare concerns or policy violations. The UReport provides a way for University community members to report violations of rules, regulations and policies. The report can be made anonymously. 

You may also make a report of your concerns to the IACUC office via email ( or phone (612-626-2126). The phone may not always be answered, but voicemails will be returned. We will protect your anonymity as much as possible.

Please refer to the reporting instructions for more information about reporting concerns.

Other Serious Questions or Concerns

Direct questions about animal welfare, the process of review, or about committee decisions to the vice president or associate vice president for research and innovation. By federal law, no facility employee, committee member, or laboratory personnel shall be discriminated against or be subject to any reprisal for reporting violations of any regulation or standards. 

Shashank Priya
Institutional Official
Vice President for Research and Innovation
(612) 624-5054

Joanne Billings
Deputy Institutional Official
Associate Vice President for Research and Innovation
(612) 624-0999