Mandatory Training

All personnel at the University must complete IACUC and occupational health training before they are eligible to work with animals.

Unsure if you have completed the training? Lookup your training history in the Training Hub. For courses completed in ULearn (retired on June 5, 2018), follow this Training Records How-to Guide.

Mandatory Training Requirements

By Group

University employees and students working with laboratory or agricultural animals: Take the Animal Use Tutorial (45 minutes). This tutorial covers the basics about the ethical treatment of animals, what to know about doing research at the University of Minnesota, and training information specific to your area of research: biomedical, agricultural, or wildlife.

Students who are part of a classroom project using animals: Read our Ethics of Animal Use in Research instruction or receive equivalent instruction through your course.

Participants in animal procedure training sessions: Refer to the Policy and Guidelines for requirements.

Personnel who want access to RAR animal facilities: Facility Access and Training, including requests for U Card Access to RAR Facilities.

Principal Investigators submitting Animal Care and Use Protocols: Attend an IACUC Information Session every three years presented by the IACUC leadership. IACUC Policy: Principal Investigator Role in Animal Research.

Personnel who have not previously been listed on a UMN IACUC protocol for a given species: 

Research Occupational Health Program (ROHP)

All faculty, staff, students, and volunteers who work with animals are required to enroll in the Research Occupational Health Program (ROHP), which is guided in part by IACUC's ROHP Requirements for Animal Health Policy. ROHP consists of training requirements and medical requirements, which are assigned based on the species of animal to which you are exposed and the type of work you do.

Species-specific requirements:
All Personnel working with or around non-human primates or their housing areas must review IACUC Guidelines for Tuberculosis ROHP Requirements, which includes a one-time training and annual tuberculosis screening.

Once you are enrolled in ROHP, you will be notified of requirements via email. You can log in to the OHS Portal at any time to check the status of these requirements on your portal page. Find complete ROHP instructions here.

Short-term visitors to the University whose work will not involve nonhuman primates or working in BSL-3 facilities may waive participation in ROHP by filling out the Short Term Visitors Waiver of Participation in the Research Occupational Health Program. Visitors who will be at the University for longer than five days may only waive participation in ROHP if they certify that they are enrolled in a comparable occupational health care program associated with animal care and use at their home institution.

Volunteers working with animals may be able to waive participation in ROHP by completing an Occupational Health and Safety Certification and Waiver for Volunteers. Please contact the Office of Occupational Health and Safety by phone at (612) 626-5008  or at [email protected] for further information regarding waivers for volunteers.