
eProtocol is a web-based technology that enables principal investigators, staff, and committee members to prepare, submit, review, and communicate about protocols. OBAO uses eProtocol for application submissions.

eProtocol routinely shuts down for maintenance on Sundays between 6:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
If you have problems accessing eProtocol, please let us know at [email protected].

Using eProtocol

eProtocol Navigation Tips
This short (4 min) video is a guide for first time eProtocol users to learn how to navigate the IBC application form and eProtocol system.

Browser Requirements

Navigating in eProtocol Applications

  • Navigate eProtocol using the blue and white panel along the left side of the application window for quick access to the different application sections.
  • Selecting “Protocol Information” from the blue and white panel will open a drop-down list of application sections and white navigation boxes at the top.
  • To submit an application, use the "Submit Form" button in the blue and white navigation panel. Only Principal Investigators or Co-Investigators may submit an application. A confirmation email will be sent upon submission. Please ensure pop-up blockers are turned off. 
  • Job Aid: IBC eProtocol Navigation

Known eProtocol Problems

  • Automatic emails: eProtocol will not link cloned protocols to the original protocol, thus expiration emails will continue to be sent until the protocol has expired.
  • New Personnel: When adding personnel who are new to the eProtocol system to an application, the message “this person does not have the appropriate role” appears. Re-entry of the same person is typically successful.
  • Training records: eProtocol sometimes fails to capture training records.To see what training has been captured for each staff member, click on their name to bring up their information, then click twice on the double arrows to the right of "Training Details.” If completed training is not listed, include the training module name(s) and date of completion for staff members in the box for "training that is not indicated above" for all personnel. See required IBC courses.
  • Funding search: Sometimes when searching for sponsored projects the first/default option results in a message reporting “application server is down.” Alternatively, use the second option (Search for Proposal(s)/Sponsored Project Award(s) awarded to another Principal Investigator) and enter the PI’s name or User ID to search.
  • *Safari browser: Sometimes the browser Safari hangs up when the Check for Completeness function is performed. It is advised to use Firefox browser.
  • New Investigators: If you haven't worked with eProtocol yet, you may have issues with access. If so, please email us: [email protected].