
All biological agents and experimental procedures previously mentioned in study objectives or other application sections must be listed and described in adequate detail in attached documents (PDFs, word documents, etc.).

Files should be named in a manner to best explain the content of the document. Ensure that you submit the most recent versions of the decontamination and waste disposal forms.

Please note, SOP writing and submission to the IBC does not require BOHD consultation. While BOHD provides consultation as a service, they are not an approval body. The OBAO is also happy to assist with your SOP questions. 

The OBAO recommends that SOPs are written in a step-by-step format (but this is not required). The level of detail included assists the IBC in its risk assessment and details will establish how to mitigate the risks of using potentially hazardous biological agents. Steps should collectively show methods of containment, special equipment (e.g. BSCs), personal protective equipment (PPE), and practices and procedures that demonstrate that staff and students would perform those activities in compliance with the NIH Guidelines and the BMBL. SOPs should describe all activities which fall under IBC oversight (i.e. generation, handling, culturing, inoculating, etc.) until any covered agent is decontaminated, deactivated, or destroyed. Biological safety risk may increase with certain procedures (e.g. aerosol formation), and increasing the level of detail (steps) will help show the mitigation of these risks. The BOHD template recommended (but not required) has sections that may not be relevant to all activities, but some sections may point out considerations important to communicate to users.
Frequently performed and low risk activities, such as transforming and culturing K-12 E. coli, can be accounted for using an available template with no additional text required.

Templates & Documents

These tools aid in completing all required documents for the attachments section of the application.

SubjectDescriptionGuidance & Attachments
Writing Biosafety Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)Writing Standard Operating Procedures• Biological Material Standard Operating Procedure Template
Transformation of E. coli K-12 strainsInstructions and Standard SOP for the Transformation of exempt E. coli K-12 strains and/or Use of Recombinant E. coli K-12 strains• Cloning in E. coli - Application Instructions
SOP: Biosafety Practices for the Transformation of exempt E. coli K-12 strains
Waste DisposalBiological Waste Disposal template required for most activities under IBC purview• Biological Waste Disposal Template
DecontaminationDecontamination and Spill Clean-Up Templates required for most activities under IBC purview• Twin Cities Decon Temp
• Duluth Decon Temp
• Hormel Decon Temp
• Morris Decon Temp
• Crookston Decon Temp
• Rochester Decon Temp
Dual Use Research of ConcernThis form must be submitted with all eProtocol applications which answer 'Yes' to Safety Section question 7e• Dual Use Screening Survey