
Use the popup menus to select the type and source of funding for "Internal University of Minnesota Funding" or "Source Outside of the University".

  1. Click add on appropriate internal or outside funding.
  2. Select source of funding, then click the save button.

For sponsored projects funding:

  1. Select the most appropriate option:
  • Existing proposal: Principal investigator (PI) has received submission notification from Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA).
  • Existing sponsored project award: Notice of grant award has been received by the PI.
  • Funding expected: Proposal is being created but not yet submitted to SPA.

2. A sponsored projects lookup screen should load. To find the proposal award, use the appropriate box:

  • Second box: After checking this box, click on the small icon that should appear and search for the PI by name or x500.
  • Third box: Input the CON# that can be found on the approved Funding Proposal or Notice of Grant Award.

For help locating the CON#, contact your SPA Grant/Contract Officer.