Use the popup menus to select the type and source of funding for "Internal University of Minnesota Funding" or "Source Outside of the University".
- Click add on appropriate internal or outside funding.
- Select source of funding, then click the save button.
For sponsored projects funding:
- Select the most appropriate option:
- Existing proposal: Principal investigator (PI) has received submission notification from Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA).
- Existing sponsored project award: Notice of grant award has been received by the PI.
- Funding expected: Proposal is being created but not yet submitted to SPA.
2. A sponsored projects lookup screen should load. To find the proposal award, use the appropriate box:
- Second box: After checking this box, click on the small icon that should appear and search for the PI by name or x500.
- Third box: Input the CON# that can be found on the approved Funding Proposal or Notice of Grant Award.
For help locating the CON#, contact your SPA Grant/Contract Officer.