The "Submit Form" tab can be found in the blue navigation bar in the application and will only be visible to the Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-Investigator (Co-I).
A pop-up window requesting a confirmation that you are ready to submit the application will appear after clicking the "Submit Form" tab. After clicking "yes" in the pop-up window, you will receive a confirmation email that the application was submitted.
If you do not receive a confirmation email, follow these troubleshooting steps:
- Select the IBC tab within "Protocols (in Preparation/Submitted)".
- Find the corresponding protocol number that you are trying to submit.
- Under the "Status/Comments" column it should read "SUBMITTED"; if this reads "NEW", then the application has not been submitted.
- If not submitted, verify that you are using the correct browser and settings. The eProtocol system works best with Firefox browsers with pop-up blockers disabled. Learn how to disable pop-up blockers or add a trusted site. Once verified, click on the protocol ID and open the protocol in "edit" mode. Select the "Submit Form" tab again.