Order & Print Participant Materials

Resources for Research Participants

Order the following materials or learn about resources for research participants.

  • Research Participant Brochure: Helps research participants understand their role and rights in research. Available as a 9x4 tri-fold brochure or download.
  • Research Participant Bill of Rights: Explains the rights of research participants, available as a 14x18 poster or download.
  • Guidance for Legally Authorized Representatives (LAR) Brochure: Provides guidance for people in this role, available as a 9x4 tri-fold brochure or download.

Research Participant Contact Card

Research participant contact cards provide research participants with a project's IRB study number and basic information about who to contact when they have questions or concerns about a study. The cards complement the informed consent form and easily fit in a wallet or purse.

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) recommends providing these cards to participants, the parents/guardians of minors participating in research and Legally Authorized Representatives (LAR) providing consent to participate in research on behalf of another. The IRB may require the use of the contact card for some studies. Researchers may choose to offer additional contact cards to participants in case they want to share them with family and friends.

Direct questions about the use of the participant contact card to Bethany Hansen, senior quality analyst, Quality Assurance, [email protected].

How to Order

Quantity Ordering Instructions
Fewer than 250
  • Purchase business card paper stock
  • Use this template, compatible with most Avery business card paper products
  • Follow the printing directions described by the paper product
More than 250
  • Complete this order form which will be sent to the University’s Printing Services
  • You must have your study’s IRB identification number and study team contact number to complete the order form.
  • Orders are fulfilled within 5–7 days.
  • Costs associated with the order are the responsibility of the investigator or department. If your department is covering the cost, you will need the EFS number.
  • Questions about billing or order status should be directed to Printing Services, [email protected].