Community Oversight Board
The Community Oversight Board (COB), composed of external academic, professional, and community experts in human participant research and research ethics, provides feedback on research-related policies, strategies, procedures, and public-facing materials.
Center for Bioethics
The Center for Bioethics helps students, professionals, policy makers, and the public confront and understand ethical issues in health, health care, new biomedical technologies, the environment, and the life sciences.
We teach, publish, and help create policy through our outreach. We also offer programming that includes public engagement as part of our commitment to respond to issues and concerns important not just to the academic community, but to communities within the Twin Cities and beyond.
Fairview Research Administration is the first point of contact for research occurring within Fairview Health Services. The administration can answer questions regarding research, including business operations, compliance, regulatory concerns, and study participation.
- Contracts: The IRB must rely on Fairview staff review contracts and research agreements to ensure that they conform to the specific requirements for subject protection. Fairview staff use HRP-324 to conduct this review
- Purchase of Fairview Services for Research.
- Investigational Drug Services
- Recruitment
Fairview University Research Oversight Committee
Fairview University Research Oversight Committee (FUROC) serves as a body to enhance communication between the University and Fairview, to improve the culture of collaboration, and to create a space to hear and review concerns.
Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare
Administrators at Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare are the first point of contact for research occurring within Gillette. Questions about research at Gillette, including business operations, compliance and regulatory concerns as well as study participation will be addressed by Gillette.
The IRB relies on Gillette staff to review contracts and research agreements to ensure that they conform to the specific requirements for subject protection. Gillette staff use “WORKSHEET: Contracts (HRP-324)” to conduct this review.
Participant Experience Survey
The Implementation Work Plan calls for enhanced communication with research participants, their family members, and their legally-authorized representatives, including the creation of “a research participant satisfaction survey that is distributed to research participants and surrogate decision-makers to evaluate their research experiences.” This recommendation is also reflected in the Engaging Research Participants Final Report.
In response to these recommendations, the Human Research Protection Program (HRPP), in partnership with Fairview Health Services (FHS), is developing a Research Participant Survey, to be piloted in 2017.