Ancillary Reviews are reviews of human research projects by compliance groups or individuals and happen in addition to the IRB review. These reviews vary, depending on the grant requirements and type of research performed and may be required by federal or state regulations, IRB policy, or institutional requirements. A satisfactory approval from the appropriate ancillary review group must be obtained prior to the IRB issuing their initial review approval. The Ancillary Review Matrix (download) answers common questions about this process and provides information about each review group.
Use the workflow mapping and job aids to help determine when an ancillary review is required for your research. It is the responsibility of the researcher to understand which reviews are required and to initiate and complete the review at the recommended time.

The Ancillary Review Workflow document provides a high‐level overview of best practices for ancillary review submission timing.
Job Aids
The following job aids are for researchers working with a specific ancillary review group:
- All University Radiation Protection Committee (AURPC) Ancillary Review Job Aid
- Center for Magnetic Resonance Research (CMRR) Ancillary Review Job Aid
- Cancer Protocol Review Committee (CPRC) Ancillary Review Job Aid
- Fairview Ancillary Review Job Aid
- Health Information Privacy and Compliance Office (HIPCO) Ancillary Review Job Aid
- IBC Ancillary Review Job Aid
- Regulatory Review - IND/IDE Job Aid