Anne Hall
Technology Portfolio Manager
Anne joined Technology Commercialization in 2006, and has spent more than a decade bringing early stage life science technologies to market. As a Technology Portfolio Manager, she manages intellectual property and early stage technology development for a wide range of innovations, with a special focus in Biotechnology and Agriculture/Horticulture. Her portfolio ranges from the Honeycrisp apple to the Sleeping Beauty® Transposon.
Anne enjoys developing strategies to take technologies to market, and helping academic researchers at all levels (students to tenured faculty) learn what it takes to develop their innovations into real world products and services.
She is experienced in evaluating market potential of University-developed technologies, developing intellectual property strategies via both patent and trademarks, and reviewing and negotiating contracts with research sponsors and commercial partners.
Anne began her career in the life sciences as a research scientist working on advances in chromosome and hormone receptor biology. She has a Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a B.S in Biology from Truman State University, and conducted Postdoctoral research at the University of Chicago.