Corporate Engagement Overview

For Corporations & Industry

The University of Minnesota has strong ties with business and industry, including Minnesota’s 16 Fortune 500 companies, the second most per capita of any state in the nation, and its thriving tech and startup ecosystem, as well as with companies from around the US and the world. And through our Corporate Engagement Center (CEC), we have developed touchpoints and pathways to help businesses navigate the University of Minnesota.

Visit the Corporate Engagement Center to get started!


For UMN Researchers

Partnering with industry adds another dimension to your research program and can have many benefits, including:

  • Learning about problems important to industry
  • Obtaining additional research funding
  • Making new connections
  • Providing pathways for your students to be hired by a company

Learn how you can partner with industry!


Contact Us to Learn More

Leza Besemann
Associate Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (612) 625-8615