Andrei Iancu; Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO
On Friday, December 18, 2020, Technology Commercialization hosted an event entitled "Expanding American Innovation" featuring USPTO Director and Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property Andrei Iancu. The video recording of that presentation is now available.
Iancu spoke to an online audience of University of Minnesota faculty, students, entrepreneurs, and others about American innovation, the important role of patents, and efforts to build inclusiveness in innovation and increase the development and participation of underrepresented groups as inventors and entrepreneurs.
During his presentation, Iancu outlined the USPTO’s National Council for Expanding American Innovation (NCEAI), launched in September, to build a more diverse and inclusive innovation ecosystem. The council brings together leaders in corporate, academic, nonprofit, professional, and government organizations to look at the entire pipeline of innovation and find ways to solve the existing issues.
“For our nation to make a real step forward and move the needle in a more meaningful way, we need to have a concentrated, focused national plan to expand American innovation,” Iancu said.
Learn more about the event: USPTO Director: US Must Broaden Involvement in Innovation
Watch the video recording: Expanding American Innovation