Content for Request
Header Information for All Requests
- Title of project
- Principal investigator (PI) name
- Agency number
- Grant administrator name
- Name and email address of the NIH grant officer (if possible)
NIH Extramural Institutional Certification Approval Routing Form
Carryover Requests
- Amount of funds requested for carryover
- Provide explanation of why available funds were not used
- Plan for use of carryover funds (attach budget or list items)
- Programmatic justification for why funds are needed for carryover
NOTE: The Financial Status Report must be submitted by Sponsored Financial Reporting before request can be considered by NIH
No-Cost Extension Requests
- Period of extension requested
- Estimated balance (direct and indirect) to be available for extension
- If balance is significant (25 percent of the award), provide explanation of why available funds were not used
- Work to be completed during extension period
- Detailed budget for available funds for the extension
Change of scope or research objectives
- Explain and justify the proposed changes
- Indicate any changes in funding and/or categorical reallocations
Change in PI/Key Personnel*
- CV for proposed PI/Key personnel
- Justification
- Other support information
Establish a Consortium*
- Statement of Intent—provide administrative endorsement
- Assurances
- Will there be rebudgeting (explanation)?
- Will there be a change in scope?
- Programmatic justification (need/benefit)
- Provide detailed budget and justification from the proposed consortium
- Other support information for key personnel
Change in Key Personnel Whose Expertise is Critical to Project
- Role of personnel involved
- Decrease of effort (from % and to %)—must be a decrease of more than 25 percent of proposed effort (e.g., budget reflecting 10 percent PI effort could not be reduced to 5 percent without prior approval because it would be a 50 percent reduction).
- Duration of change
- Decrease of effort—what rebudgeting might occur and its impact on the project
- Justification of need for change and its overall impact on the project
Agency-Approved Rebudgeting Requests, if Applicable
- Amount of funds to be rebudgeted
- Budget category funds are moving from
- Budget category funds are moving to
- Will there be a change in scope?
- Programmatic justification for rebudgeting
*Because of the number of attachments required for these approval requests, SPA may choose to transmit the request and supporting documentation in hard copy only.