Route & Submit Subawards


The University principal investigator (PI) prepares the program proposal for submission to the sponsor. The proposal should include the subrecipient name(s), the total cost of the subaward as a line item on the University budget, and a justification explaining the need for the subaward. The subrecipient’s statement of work and budget must be integrated into the University’s proposal. Other information (e.g. biosketches, budgets, other support, etc.) should be included as required by the sponsor.

While preparing the prime proposal, keep the following in mind:

  • The total cost of subaward (direct costs plus F&A) appears as a direct cost line item on the University’s budget.
  • If the subrecipient has a negotiated F&A rate agreement, it may charge F&A (indirect) costs in addition to direct expenses. The entire subrecipient budget, including the subrecipient’s F&A (indirect) costs, are direct costs to the University and should be included in the University’s direct cost amount. For awards established with the federally negotiated F&A (indirect) cost rate or an approved reduced rate on a modified total direct cost basis, the University will charge its F&A (indirect) costs on the first $25,000 of each subaward per project period. For other awards established with an F&A (indirect) cost rate on a total direct cost basis, the University's F&A (indirect) costs apply to the entire subaward budget amount.
  • For foreign organizations, keep the exchange rate in mind. All subaward payments are paid in US dollars. For wire payments, there is a $31 processing fee that must be paid by the department from a nonsponsored chartstring.


Forward the following subaward documents to SPA with your proposal, even if the prime sponsor does not require them:

  • Subrecipient’s budget, budget justification, and federally negotiated F&A (indirect) cost rate agreement, if applicable
  • Subrecipient’s statement of work
  • Subrecipient’s FCOI Forms 1 and 2, if applicable
  • A commitment letter or letter of intent signed by the subrecipient's PI and subrecipient's authorized representative
  • Fair & Reasonable Cost Analysis Form 2 (under Federal Contracts only)
  • Any other documents required by UMN or Sponsor (example: NSF Nondiscrimination Form)