NIH 15% Guide Notice
February 10, 2025
Please continue to prepare and submit your NIH proposals (either direct proposals to NIH or when we are the subrecipient) using the University's negotiated F&A rates (54% if on-campus research, etc.) at this time.
Your subrecipients may use their negotiated rates as well, or 15% de minimis if applicable, or - if a subrecipient chooses, due to their own internal policy, to use the 15% NIH limit (either TDC or MTDC) in their proposal submitted to us, then we will use their requested rate in our proposal. However, if they are self-limiting their rate because of the NIH Guide Notice, please let them know that we will assume that is the rate they want to have in the event of award. They should not assume that we will later be willing to help them get additional funding for F&A.
Federal Executive Orders and Other Policy Directives
Updated: February 12, 2025
Federal Executive Orders (EOs) and federal agency communications may affect certain federally funded research activities. RIO, SPA, and other University partners are monitoring newly issued EOs and federal agency communications that could affect federally supported projects and programs at UMN. See the most current guidance available:
Updates to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200)
October 1, 2024
Updated federal regulations have resulted in changes to the core set of federal regulations (2 CFR 200, or “Uniform Guidance). These changes are effective 10/1/24 and apply to new awards and new funding increments issued October 1, 2024 or later. In addition, agencies have the discretion to apply the revised regulations to any other modifications to existing awards. Learn more about the updated Uniform Guidance and what resources are available to meet these requirements.
New NIH Requirement for Foreign Subrecipients
January 23, 2024
NIH has issued a new requirement, effective 1/1/24, for all foreign subawards on grants and cooperative agreements. The new requirement requires foreign subrecipients to provide annual electronic or paper access to copies of all lab notebooks, all data, and all documentation that supports the research outcomes as described in their progress report. Our PIs are responsible for reviewing those data to ensure they support the research outcomes described by the subrecipient. SPA is modifying all existing foreign subawards under grants and cooperative agreements to include this new requirement, and is also including the requirement in all new foreign subawards. In addition, letters of commitment for new prospective foreign subrecipients must also include the requirement so that prospective subrecipients are aware of this forthcoming obligation if an award is made. An LOI template for use by departments and PIs are included in the resource list below.
List of applicable foreign subawards being modified
Memo to PIs of those subawards
PI and Departmental templates for new prospective foreign subrecipients (use one of the following):
- Subrecipient Commitment Form (preferred for foreign subrecipients)
- FDP LOI template for prospective subrecipients
- Any letter of intent signed by the subrecipient's authorized organizational representative that includes the language:
Our institution agrees to provide access to copies of all lab notebooks, all data, and all documentation that supports the research outcomes as described in the progress report, to the primary recipient with a frequency of no less than once per year, in alignment with the timing requirements for Research Performance Progress Report submission. Such access may be entirely electronic. By providing our signature, our institution acknowledges that if this proposal is selected for an award, we will abide by all requirements outlined in the NIH's policy regarding administering subawards to foreign entities. The policy can be found at:
Foreign Influence in Research
Updated: September 14, 2023
The University of Minnesota and government agencies continue to work to clarify their instruction for research grant applications and reporting regarding foreign influence. Also see the CHIPS Act mentioned separately. Learn more about Foreign Influence in Research >
NSF and DoD Research Security Developments
July 27, 2023
The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Defense (DoD) have published security-related measures that will affect the University research community.
NSF’s draft revised Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide includes new language prohibiting PIs and other senior/key personnel from participating in malign foreign talent recruitment programs (MFTRPs). As of January 2024, participants in MFTRPs will no longer be eligible for NSF funding. Other science agencies are developing similar rules.
DoD’s new policy instructs relevant components to implement risk-based processes for reviewing all fundamental research awards to assess and mitigate potential conflicts of interest/commitment relating to undue non-US influence. It is not known how quickly the components will implement this policy. As the required new processes come into effect, University personnel are likely to encounter novel delays during negotiations for an unknown portion of fundamental research awards.
Please contact the University Export Controls Officer ([email protected]) with any questions or concerns regarding these developments.
- Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs, including Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs (PDF) - updated July 27, 2023
MTEC Consortium Membership - Quick Guide Available for PIs
May 5, 2023
Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium (MTEC) is a non-profit consortium designed to promote the development and delivery of innovative medical technologies to improve the health and safety of military personnel, veterans, and civilians. In Spring 2023, UMN joined approximately 95 other universities and several hundred companies to compete for DOD funding available only to MTEC consortium members. Projects generally range from $50,000 to $25M in size. These awards come with unusual terms, including the payment to MTEC of a fee equivalent to 2% of funds obligated, and a 10-year period of confidentiality. A PI Quick Guide is available to help investigators learn about these terms about the SPA and collegiate resources available to help them navigate this program. Learn more about the MTEC membership and program terms.
NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan Policy (DMSP)
January 26, 2023
Most proposals to NIH now require the inclusion of a data management and sharing plan at time of proposal. Learn more about the NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan Policy (DMSP) and track emerging details.
NSF Plans for Safe & Inclusive Work Environment When Conducting Off-Campus Research
Updated: January 13, 2023
New or renewal proposals to NSF submitted January 30, 2023 or later that are funded will require that PIs take an additional step to safeguard participants when engaging in off-campus research activities. Specifically, PIs must create a plan for a safe and inclusive work environment - and distribute that plan to each participant - in advance of departure for an off-campus research activity. See all the NSF Safe & Inclusive Work Environment information here >
Harassment Reporting
Updated: September 27, 2022
Federal and non-federal agencies require the University of Minnesota, under SPA's leadership, report to them under certain circumstances when investigators have had either administrative actions or disciplinary actions taken against them related to harassment (including bullying) or sexual harassment. Learn more about these harassment requirements and reporting, or request a presentation for your department and college.
NIH Childcare Reimbursement
Updated: September 24, 2024
Full-time fellows or trainees on NIH fellowships or training grants are now eligible to request and receive $3,000 per grant year for reimbursement of childcare expenses. Details about how to apply for and request reimbursement (including the University documentation form) are available in departmental business offices. Learn more about NIH Childcare Reimbursement >
CHIPs Bill
Updated: August 8, 2022
The CHIPS and Science bill provides support for the US semiconductor industry and provides a variety of key research security provisions that will be applicable to the University (e.g., mandatory research security training requirements, reporting on gifts and contracts from certain countries over $50K, prohibition against investigators participating in malign foreign talent programs, creation of a Research Security office at NSF). The bill also authorizes funding for a variety of agencies (appropriations are still needed by Congress). Key among that funding is support for NSF’s new Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships directorate. Learn more about the CHIPS Bill >