
SPA facilitates the submission, acceptance, and management of sponsored projects and related research agreements for UMN investigators and their staff.

We are responsible for:

  • Reviewing proposals for completeness and compliance with agency and university requirements (nontechnical)
  • Approving and endorsing proposals on behalf of the University
  • Submitting proposals to agencies
  • Managing electronic systems for proposal preparation, institutional approval, and submission to agencies

Roles & Responsibilities

Do you know who is responsible for ensuring:

  • the proposal package is complete?
  • the Funding Proposal (FP) is routed and signed in MN-GEMS?
  • the proposal is submitted to SPA in MN-GEMS?
  • the proposal is submitted to the sponsor?

The Responsibilities Matrix and Roles & Definitions describe all activities in the lifecycle of a sponsored project and generally who is responsible for the activity.

For a more detailed outline of the responsibilities of principal investigators (PIs)/departmental administrators and SPA when submitting a proposal for electronic submission, read this PI Quick Guide