The SPA Sponsored Projects Symposium encourages community and informal dialogue as well as an opportunity to learn more on key topics impacting our community. The event is funded by the Research and Innovation Office, so there is no cost for attendees.
Symposium XVI: MN-GEMS Takeover
March 6, 2024
McNamara Alumni Center
9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
The 2024 Sponsored Projects Symposium XVI returned as an in-person event held on March 6, 2024, in the McNamara Alumni Center. The focus of this Symposium was the new MN-GEMS, an upgrade from our existing electronic grants management system.
Three Certified Approver Continuing Education credits are available for those who attended the Symposium.
Sessions & Descriptions
Welcome, Introductions & Introduction to MN-GEMS
See the welcome session's presentation materials
Pamela Webb, Shashank Priya, April Coon, Kristen Berning
Session 1: Funding Proposal Creation
This session introduces you to creating a funding proposal in MN-GEMS. Featuring a walk through of the differences between the outgoing process and MN-GEMS, how to initiate a funding proposal, and some of the key features of the new system.
See Funding Proposal Creation presentation materials
Nicolas Allyn, Assistant Director, Sponsored Projects Administration
Corinne Komor Wille, Department Administration, College of Science & Engineering
Session 2: Award Generation & Reconciliation
How will award generation change in MN-GEMS? What post-award activities will departments complete in MN-GEMS? What will communication look like between departments and their SPA GCO about budget, effort, and certifications? What exactly is the award generation burger? This session explains it all!
See Award Generation & Reconciliation presentation materials
Hannah Haley, Senior Grant and Contract Officer, Sponsored Projects Administration
Shannon Kasperson, Administrative Director, CVM Research Office
Session 3: Award Modifications & Subawards
Learn how the basics of award modifications and subawards will be handled in MN-GEMS! See demonstrations of the modification process highlighting no-cost extensions, rebudgets, and carryforward as well as the full outgoing subaward process (including modifications to existing subawards).
See Award Modifications & Subawards presentation materials
Riana Fletcher, Principal Grant and Contract Officer, Sponsored Projects Administration
Pat Struzyk, Principal Contracting Officer, Sponsored Projects Administration
Rylee Pelzer, Subaward Compliance Officer, Sponsored Projects Administration
Session 4: Walking your Clinical Trial Down the Aisle (a First Look with B&I)
What is MN-GEMS Agreements? When will it be used? This session is an overview of Agreements as it relates to Business and Industry (B&I), with an emphasis on B&I clinical trials. There will also be a discussion of the department’s role, SPA’s role, and the transparency that is provided in the Agreements module.
See Walking your Clinical Trial Down the Aisle (a First Look with B&I) presentation materials
Kayla Doherty, Sr. Grant and Contract Officer, Sponsored Projects Administration
Jordan Webb, Grant Officer, Pre-Award and Proposal Development Services, Medical School Dean’s Office
Session 5: How to Be a MN-GEMS Super Sleuth: Navigation & Reporting Tips & Tricks
This session prepares you for navigating your way through MN-GEMS with tons of information available at your fingertips, and basic tips and tricks you can use to find whatever it is you are looking for. This session walks you through a basic understanding of security roles (who can see what), how to find converted proposals and awards, how to locate the items you’ve created or are associated with, and how to run the custom queries that will help you and your team manage your workload throughout the sponsored projects life cycle.
See How to Be a MN-GEMS Super Sleuth presentation materials
Kristen Berning, MN-GEMS Specialist, Sponsored Projects Administration
Session 6: Unfunded Research Agreements (UFRA)
Unfunded Agreements will exist in the updated grant management system, MN-GEMS! Learn how things are changing, what submitting a request look like, and an overview of what the UFRA world will look like through the MN-GEMS lens. You will also see a walk through of the process of requesting a CDA, MTA, and more.
See Unfunded Research Agreements (UFRA) presentation materials
April Nelson, Principal Grant and Contract Officer, Sponsored Projects Administration
Lisa Spofford, Division Administrator, Department of Pediatrics