To allow us time to update our SPECTRUM curriculum with MN-GEMS information, SPECTRUM courses (both online and in-person) are put on pause for the summer and 2024 Fall semester. Courses will be re-introduced as they are integrated with the necessary information to reflect the implementation of MN-GEMS and any new business processes and system capabilities for proposal preparation and submission and award management and closeout. As updates are also needed for the SPECTRUM Certification exams, the December 2024 exams are cancelled but are planned to be offered once again in 2025.

Sponsored Projects Educational Curriculum and Training for the University of Minnesota (SPECTRUM) was created out of a collaboration between OSPA, SFR, and the former Training Services to meet the needs of the growing and changing field of Sponsored Research Administration.

SPECTRUM is a comprehensive training program targeted for departmental pre-award and post-award research administrators (DRA). Currently, 24 courses (both instructor-led and online) have rolled out since implementation. These courses are divided into pre- and post-award topics. Core courses must be completed to meet the requirements of SPECTRUM certification. Core courses contain critical information that addresses specific policies, procedures, and compliance considerations for all types of sponsors. A number of SPECTRUM courses also grant certified approver (CA) continuing education credit. See Certified Approver Program information.

All courses are offered at no charge and may be searched for by title in the Training Hub. See the full descriptions below to register or start the course. To check course availability, see the current SPA and SPECTRUM course schedule. Please contact [email protected] for any course registration or access issues.

Core Courses

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Elective Courses

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Course Descriptions

SP01 Sponsored Project Overview

Online (core, 1-hour) - take this course

This online course is a prerequisite for all core courses associated with the Pre- and Post-Award Departmental Research Administrator (DRA) certification programs. This course provides a basic overview of sponsored projects at the University of Minnesota. The primary audience is employees who serve in the role of the Pre-Award or Post-Award Departmental Research Administrator. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand basic sponsored project terminology, such as types of sponsored projects and types of sponsored funding
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities associated with sponsored projects
  • Understand the life cycle of a sponsored project
  • Identify resources available to pre-award and post-award departmental research administrators.

SP02 Research Compliance

Online (core, 1-hour) - take this course

This online course is a prerequisite for all core courses associated with the Pre- and Post-Award Departmental Research Administrator (DRA) certification programs. This course provides a basic overview of the federal regulations and policies that govern sponsored project management at the University of Minnesota. Specifically, it provides an overview of the regulations known as the OMB Federal Regulations 2 CFR 200 (Uniform Guidance). In addition, a high level overview of the various financial, administrative, personnel, and research policies that all DRAs must be aware of in their roles associated with sponsored project management is covered. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify and access the federal regulations and policies associated with sponsored project management
  • Use the resources and tools outlined in the course to ensure the sponsored projects they support are in compliance with University policies and federal laws.

SP03 Sponsored Reporting

Online (core, 2-hours) - take this course

This online course provides instructions on locating, running, and analyzing featured reporting resources for sponsored projects. It covers the purposes of each report and recommends which phase of the project to use them. Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Identify where and how to access reports
  • Run reports and identify and interpret data
  • Apply UMN policies to report data

SP04 Proposal Assembly and Submission

Online (core, 30 minutes) - take this course

The purpose of this online course is to provide University employees with a basic overview of how to properly assemble and submit a sponsored project proposal package to Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA). Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the commonly required proposal components
  • Articulate the common proposal requirements
  • Know how to develop an effective proposal plan
  • Assemble a proposal according to University policy and sponsor guidelines
  • Submit a completed proposal package to SPA on time.

SP05 Cost Sharing Fundamentals Online Course (Part 1)

Online (core, 1-hour) - take this course

The purpose of this online course is to provide University staff with a basic overview of cost sharing, including definitions, types, associated roles and responsibilities, and University and Federal policies and guidelines when cost sharing on sponsored awards.  

Upon completion of the online portion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the different types of cost sharing
  • Identify University cost sharing principles, policy, and procedures
  • Identify various roles and responsibilities of personnel engaged at the University in the cost sharing process through sponsored projects
  • Identify Federal regulations that guide cost sharing practices when dealing with federal grants

SP05 Cost Sharing Fundamentals Instructor-led Course (Part 2)

Instructor-led (core, 1.5 hours) - register for this course

The instructor-led portion of the course covers cost sharing processes and procedures through the life of the sponsored project, from proposal preparation to award close out. The prerequisite for this course is the SP05 Cost Sharing Fundamentals Online Course (Part 1).

Upon completion of the instructor-led portion of the course, participants will be able to: 

  • Understand the cost sharing process through the sponsored project life cycle, from the proposal phase to closeout
  • Demonstrate, through practical exercise, how to include cost sharing in a proposal budget
  • Identify some reports that can be used to track cost sharing on a project

SP06 Award Setup and Initiation

Online  (core, 2.5-hours) - register for this course

This online course provides users with an in-depth look at the Award Setup and Initiation process in Sponsored Projects. Central to the research process, this course follows the submission of the Proposal Routing Form (PRF) through the award creation process to the development of the Notice of Grant Award by the grant administrator.

SP08 Proposal Budget Creation

Online (core, 4-hours) - register for this course

This online course provides a basic overview of the proposal budget creation process. Through hands-on, engaging case studies and activities, this course will provide participants with the necessary tools to be efficient, compliant, and successful during the proposal budget creation process.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the importance of following the sponsor guidelines and deadlines for proposal budget creation
  • Articulate the common policies and regulations that must be adhered to by all departments throughout the proposal budget creation process
  • Prepare a proposal budget using basic calculations and guidelines for the completion of the common proposal budget categories (e.g., personnel, travel, F&A)

SP10 Planning & Issuing Subawards

Instructor-led (core, 4-hours) - register for this course

This instructor-led course provides learners with an in-depth look at the various policies and procedures associated with planning and issuing a subaward. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Determine if a given activity should be classified as a subaward or a contract for professional services, what paperwork is needed to include a subaward in a proposal, how sub-recipients are “vetted” by the University, and the special obligations associated with subawards under federal contracts
  • Explain how subawards are issued and how to start the subrecipient monitoring process during the life of the subaward

SP11 Managing Preaward and Advance Accounts

Online (core, 1.5-hours) - take this course

In this online course, learners will walk through how preaward and advance accounts are set up and managed at the University.

Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Identify the policy, roles, and responsibilities for establishing and managing preaward and advance accounts
  • Identify the differences between each type of account and in what situations or circumstances each may be used"

SP12  Non-Payroll Related Spending on a Sponsored Project

Instructor-led (core, 3 hour course) - register for this course

This instructor led course provides an in-depth look at the policies and procedures that govern spending on a sponsored project. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to identify the basics of project spending for non-labor charges for sponsored projects, including:

  • Key players in the process
  • Supporting policies, procedures, rules and regulations (both federal and University)
  • Budget categories 
  • Process for approval and cost transfers

SP13 Sponsored Project Changes

Online (core, 45-minutes) - take this course

This course is intended for departmental accountants, department administrators, principal investigators, and grant administrators. This course provides participants with the information and resources needed to recognize and appropriately communicate a request for different types of sponsored project changes, including rebudgeting and no-cost extensions.

SP14 Effort Reporting and Management for Research Administrators

Online (core, 1.5-hours) - take this course

This online introductory course covers a number of essential components of effort reporting and management.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Define the different types of effort
  • Explain effort roles and responsibilities at the University
  • Identify effort commitments
  • Identify how to include effort in proposals
  • Understand the University's effort certification process

SP15 Managing Subawards

Instructor-led (core, 4-hours) - register for this course

This instructor-led course focuses on issues key to successful management of a subaward once it has been issued. It includes a brief review of the subaward planning and issuance phases.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the major responsibilities of PIs and departments to effectively manage a subaward, including compliance oversight, review and approval (or disapproval) of invoices, technical progress reviews, providing additional funding or deobligating support, and the steps involved in closing out a subaward
  • Understand how to manage special circumstances, including disputes between subrecipients and the University, managing equipment title, PI transfers, handling foreign subawards, and managing export controls

SP16 Sponsored Project Closeout

Online (core, 30-minutes) - take this course

This online course provides the Post-Award Departmental Research Administrator (DRA) with an in-depth look at the closeout phase of a sponsored project. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 

  • Perform common closeout-related administrative and financial tasks according to your role in the process
  • Access and interpret the Sponsored Award Overview report to identify items requiring attention
  • Resolve any issues brought to light by the Sponsored Award Overview report

SP17 Grants.gov

Online (core, 1.5 hours) - take this course

The 26 federal agencies that award grants have transitioned to an electronic proposal submission system called Grants.gov Workspace. This system is the standard way for organizations or individuals to apply for federal grants. Workspace allows a grant team to simultaneously access and edit different forms within an application. This overview course explains how to use Workspace for electronic proposals, discusses the different 424 form sets and their associated family of forms, as well as its functionality.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the Grants.gov forms and understand the benefits of the system
  • Learn how to create, manage, and submit a proposal through Workspace

This course is geared toward individuals completing their first Grants.gov proposal, those looking for a refresher on the system’s functionality, and those who might be interested in Workspace and its transition to be the new standard submission tool.

SP19 Sponsored Invoicing and Reporting Online Course (Part 1)

Online (core, 45 minutes) - take this course

The online component of this course is a prerequisite for the follow up instructor-led component, and is required to be taken before the instructor-led portion. Both components are required for completion for this course.

The online portion of the course focuses on critical department actions, best practices, and coordination with Sponsored Financial Reporting (SFR) to support timely and accurate invoicing of and reporting to award sponsors.

SP19 Sponsored Invoicing and Reporting Instructor-led Course (Part 2)

Instructor-led (core, 1 hour) - register for this course

In the instructor-led component of this course, participants will examine the SFR transaction spreadsheet and will discuss communication from SFR. Completion of the online component (Part 1) is required before enrolling in this component of the course; however, for the completion of the entire course, both completions are required.

This instructor-led component is intended for departmental research administrators (DRAs), departmental accountants, and principal investigators (PIs). It is based on a general knowledge of sponsored projects, research compliance, and the Chart of Accounts.

SP20 Cost Transfers

Online (core, 1.5 hours) - register for this course

Cost transfers are a direct charge expense transferred from one account to another after the charge has been posted in a financial accounting record. In this course, participants will work through case studies where both policy and best practices are discussed.

SP21 Export Control

Instructor-led (elective, 2-hours) - register for this course

This instructor-led course (Patrick Briscoe, the University’s export control officer) covers export control laws and regulations. The course will focus on giving attendees a basic understanding of the various US export controls and applicable University policies.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify current export control laws and regulations
  • Understand how these laws and regulations govern how US persons transfer sensitive goods, technologies, or services to non-US persons or destinations
  • Identify applicable University of Minnesota policies on export control

SP22 Fun with Fund Buckets

Instructor-led (elective, 2-hours) - register for this course

Join us for an interactive session where you and your colleagues analyze case studies and determine the appropriate classification of funds. How do you determine the appropriate classification of these funds? Instructors, by use of case studies, will assist attendees in identifying whether or not funds are a sponsored project, gift, or an external sale.

SP23 eRA Commons

Instructor-led (elective, 1-hours) - register for this course

This course is an introduction into NIH's online interface where grant applicants, grantees, and federal staff can access and share administrative information related to grant applications and awarded research grants.

SP24 External Support Types

Online (core, 1-hours) - take this course

This online course provides a quick overview of the three fund buckets—gifts, sponsored projects, and external sales—and the criteria used to classify an activity into one of these buckets. After reviewing the basics, the course presents different scenarios (or case studies) and requires the learner to select the best choice for each. The learner receives feedback for each selection on why the choice was or was not the best choice.

SP25 Effort Reporting and Management for Research Administrators - Special Processes

Online (elective, 45 minutes) - take this course

In this short online course, participants will learn about some special processes in effort reporting and management, including:

  • pre-award cost sharing
  • the NIH Salary Cap as it affects effort commitments
  • Summer and 9 Over 12 appointments
  • multiple rates of pay, recertification of effort, and unpaid activity.

This elective course in the SPECTRUM curriculum is designed as a follow-up to the core course, SP14 Effort Reporting and Management for Research Administrators, though each can be taken separately.  If more information or background knowledge is needed to complete this course, it is recommended that users refer back to SP14 to supplement their knowledge base.

SP26 F&A, ICR, and Waivers

Instructor-led (elective, 2-hours) - register for this course

Experienced SPA Administrators staff the class, explaining each of the acronyms as well as answering your questions on Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR), F&A (Facilities and Administrative (Overhead), and Waivers (requesting less than full indirect costs in the budget).

SP27 Understanding Unfunded Research Agreements (UFRA)

Instructor-led (elective, 1.5 hours) - register for this course

This instructor-led course explains Unfunded Research Agreements (UFRA), which stands for a group of legally binding agreements that are related to University research but do not provide funding. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the different types of UFRA
  • Explain why this group of research agreements are so important