Uniform Guidance

Updates to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200)

In August 2024, the Office of Management and Budget announced changes to the core set of regulations governing federal sponsored projects, found at 2 CFR 200 and generally known as the Uniform Guidance.

Federal agencies were instructed to implement the updated rules no later than October 1, 2024. These implementations are in the process of being released by federal agencies. The following information is designed to help inform investigators and administrators about changes anticipated by the updated rules.

University of Minnesota Guidance

Memorandum to Investigators, Departmental Administrators and Central Administrations from AVP Pamela Webb (10/1/24)

Compendium of Key Changes to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) as of 10/1/24

Agency Guidance

General Implementation Status
Appendix III: COGR Matric of Federal Agency Adoption and Implementation (page 21)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Federal Register Notice Grant Notice 24-01

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Note that the Research Terms and Conditions (RTCs) and Agency-Specific Terms and Condition will not be used for awards subject to the updated rules and are replaced by: 
Grant General Conditions (GC-1) 

Other Guidance

COGR’s 2 CFR 200 “Look” Series re: the Uniform Guidance update