GIA Frequently Asked Questions

If you do not see the answer to your question here, or you are struggling to use the electronic application system, please contact our office at [email protected].

What is the maximum amount of funding I can request?
There is no specified limit, however, requests should be within reason. Our average request is around $32,000 and we recommend that your budget not go much over $50,000.

What time on the deadline day is the application is due?
You have until 11:59 p.m. to submit the application.

I have saved an application and now I can’t find it. How do I get back into it?
You can follow these steps to get back into a saved application and edit it:

  1. Go into the electronic application system
  2. Choose “RIO Grant-in-Aid” from the Process drop down list (top left corner).
  3. Click on “My actions to do.”
  4. Click on the relevant link in the “Action” column. On the next screen, you will see your application.

My IRB/IACUC/IBC approval is pending so I do not have a protocol ID, but that section is required. What do I do? 
If you do not have approval at the time of submission, please write “Pending” in the Study code/Protocol ID section of the form. Any Grant-in-Aid funds awarded are not released until the required approvals are obtained. Once approval(s) are received, documentation must be submitted to our office via email to [email protected].

I have indicated who my Support Person is, but they cannot access the proposal. How do I give them access?
Sending to Support is a two-step process. Make sure you have entered their Internet ID in the “Support Person Information” section near the top of the form. Then scroll to the bottom of the application page, click "Send application to Support Person," and then hit “Submit.”

When will I find out if I have been awarded the Grant-in-Aid?
Typically the first week of December for the fall competition: the first week of May for the spring competition.

Is there flexibility with the 2,000 word limit?
It should be possible to limit to 2,000 words as requested; however, some flexibility will be allowed for resubmission and Shared Equipment proposals. Illustrations and graphs may be incorporated into the proposal body. Note that one additional page may be added for figures, digital images (1,200 to 1,500 pixels not to exceed 2MB per image) or letters of collaboration, which are not included in the 2,000-word limit.

Where do I find the Account Values for the Budget section?
There is a link to an Account Values page with all the numbers that can be found on the form in the budget section. If you still have questions, please contact your departmental budget officer/accountant to help you identify the correct six-digit account values.

How will I know if my proposal has been approved by my designated approvers?
You will receive emails when each of your approvers have reviewed and approved (or not approved) your proposal.

If I still have more than $50,000 in startup, does that mean I'm not eligible?
Most likely yes, but we do make an exception if the funds are already committed for equipment, travel, etc. You need to include a very thorough justification in the "Need justification" section of your proposal for how those funds will be used and why they can't be used for this project. Please note that reviewers typically do not consider paying for GRAs on other projects for several years to be “committed.” We would recommend that you spend down your start up to under $50,000 and then apply for GIA funding.

Why won’t my file upload?
The file size limit is 4 MB. Make sure your file does not exceed this size.

Will I need matching funds for equipment even if it is not a Shared Equipment request?
Nonshared equipment requests that include the purchase of a piece of equipment that is equal to or greater than $5,000 should include matching funds, typically 30–50 percent. Please attach copies of commitment letter(s) under "Other Documentation".

Is there a standard allotment for graduate research assistant (RA) salaries and fringe?
No. Departmental policies regarding graduate RA pay rates should be followed.

When are the yearly Grant-in-Aid deadlines so I can plan ahead?
Typically deadlines are: the third Monday in September for fall, the first Monday in February for spring, and the second Monday in June for summer Bridge Funding requests.