RIO News & Announcements

The Research and Innovation Office (RIO) oversees the $1 billion annual research enterprise at the University of Minnesota, a top public research university. RIO works with a broad range of units and partners to advance the research mission and tracks key research metrics for the University.

UMN Research Newsletter

UMN Research is a monthly newsletter produced by RIO focused on news and announcements for the University's research community. Sign up for the newsletter and submit content.

UMN Washington Update

The UMN Washington Update is a weekly digest of congressional updates and funding opportunities prepared by Lewis-Burke Associates. See the latest UMN Washington Update.

Media Inquiries

Direct media inquiries to Dan Gilchrist, Communications Director | (612) 624-2609
224 McNamara Alumni Center, 200 Oak St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455

Recent RIO News & Announcements

Maroon and gold slate with text: Artist-in-Residence. Research & Innovation Office.

Artist-in-Resident Program Opens August 12

July 18, 2024

The Artist-in-Residence Program, now in its second year, brings together artists with scientists to spur creative thinking and innovation. Funding supports a creative interpretation of scientific research and discoveries at UMN.

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Dr. Elise Lamont working in a lab; Orion Rainwater

Research Animal Resources Announces the 2024 Patrick J. Manning Award Winners

July 9, 2024

Congratulations to Elise Lamont and Orion Rainwater, winners of this year's Patrick J. Manning Award, which goes to a University of Minnesota employee, postdoctoral associate, or graduate student who has shown special efforts on behalf of research animals.

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Mississippi lock/dams and buildings

Over $5 Million Awarded to Support UMN Research Infrastructure

July 3, 2024

The Research and Innovation Office has awarded $2.6 million to 13 projects as part of the 2024 Research Infrastructure Investment Program. One-to-one matching funds provided by supporting units resulted in just over $5 million in total funds awarded. 

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Group stands in front of a lab with large orange tinted window

Minnesota Joins SCALE Workforce Development Partnership

June 26, 2024

The University's new grants management system, MN-GEMS, will bring the UMN's proposal submission and award process in line with other top-25 research universities. 

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McNamara Building

RIO Establishes Headquarters in McNamara

June 24, 2024

After several years of planning, the Research and Innovation Office administration and support units are now located in the McNamara Alumni Center.

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Governor Gardner speaks with a microphone

Governor of Victoria, Australia, Visits UMN to Learn About Innovation in Minnesota and Deepen Partnerships

June 13, 2024

Rural communities are rapidly losing access to obstetric care. UMN’s Rural Health Research Center is tracking these losses and their impacts.

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Five people stand in a room chatting

University of Minnesota Names First Chief Semiconductor Officer, Launches “CHIPS” Website

June 4, 2024

UMN has named Steven Koester as its first Chief Semiconductor Officer and launched a website devoted to the University’s semiconductor and microelectronics research and education. 

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Nine people stand side by side in business suits

AI and Autonomy Leader from DoD Visits UMN

June 3, 2024

Dr. Kimberly Sablon, Principal Director for Trusted AI and Autonomy at the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)) visited the University of Minnesota. 

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Collage of images depicting technology, and text that reads "75 - Sandia National Laboratories"

UMN Deepens Partnership at “Sandia Day”

May 22, 2024

Twenty-eight researchers and leaders from Sandia National Labs visited the University of Minnesota on April 10 for “Sandia Day at the UMN” to learn more about UMN’s research and capabilities and to deepen research cooperation. 

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