Matching Funds

The Matching Funds grant program provides matching funds for certain grant proposals to external sponsors on an ongoing basis.


  • The sponsor must require matching funds as a condition for funding.
  • Matching funds are limited to approximately one-third the entire amount required, with the expectation that similar amounts will be provided by the department, principal investigator, and/or college(s).
  • By and large, matching funds on projects without indirect costs will not be approved.
  • Training grants are not eligible for matching funds through RIO; requests for funds for these grant opportunities can be directed to the Graduate School.

Selection Criteria

Decisions will be based on:

  • Breadth and depth of the project participants or potential participants
  • Alignment of the project with the University of Minnesota's research goals
  • Amount of funding required
  • Likelihood of receiving the grant award

Apply for Matching Funds

To complete the matching fund review and decision process in time, requests must be submitted to our office at least 3 business days prior to a response being needed by the PI.

To apply for matching funds, complete this form: RIO Grant Matching Funds Request Form

To transfer funds once the matching funds are awarded, complete this form: RIO Grant Matching Funds Transfer Request Form

Grant Match Letter template

See the Grant Match Funds Transfer/Management Instructions for more information.

For questions about Matching Funds, email