Trade Sanctions

Foreign Assets Control Regulations

The Foreign Assets Control Regulations prohibit unauthorized financial and other transactions with sanctioned countries or regions, as well as entities identified on the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (SDN) List (among certain other lists). These regulations are administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control, U.S. Department of the Treasury, and are found at Title 31, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 500-598.

Countries or Regions Subject to Trade Sanctions

Countries subject to strict trade sanctions are:

  • Belarus
  • Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk regions of Ukraine
  • Cuba
  • Iran
  • North Korea
  • Russia
  • Syria

It is generally unlawful to export or import certain goods, services, technologies, and money to or from these locations. In addition, there are often restrictions on traveling to these destinations. Be sure to consult with the export controls officer before engaging in any activities—including travel—in connection with sanctioned countries or regions.

It is permissible to host and teach a student or researcher visiting from an embargoed location who is in the U.S. on a visa (provided the studies or research activities do not involve the unauthorized disclosure of EAR- or ITAR-controlled technical data). University personnel must take care, however, not to export any sort of goods, services, or money to the individual after he or she returns to his or her home country.

SDN List

The SDN List is the OFAC's chief list of the bad guys—terrorists and terrorist organizations, drug kingpins and cartels, human rights abusers, entities of proliferation concern, etc. It is generally unlawful to engage in any sort of transaction with parties on the SDN List absent specific approval from the U.S. Government. In order to ensure that the University does not deal with entities on the SDN List (among other restricted parties lists), the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) screens new award subrecipients, the University’s Purchasing department screens new vendors, and the Export Controls Office screens non-U.S. parties to international external sales and outgoing material transfer agreements.

The vast majority of the entries on the SDN List are individuals, corporations, and government organizations. However, some entities are non-U.S. universities or research institutions. The following list is a comprehensive, but not exhaustive, representation of research institutions on the SDN List. UMN personnel are strongly advised to contact the export controls officer before entering into any sort of agreement, contract, or other arrangement with a listed organization.

Research Institutions on SDN List


Academy of Natural Sciences

a.k.a. Second Academy of Natural Sciences

Pyongyang, Korea, North 

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics

a.k.a. ARZAMAS-16
a.k.a. Avangard Electromechanical Plant
a.k.a. Khariton Institute
a.k.a. VNIIEF

10 Muzrukov Ave, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Russia, 607188
Al-Mustafa International UniversityMuallim Boulevard, PO Box 439, Qom, Iran

A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute Russian Academy of Sciences

a.k.a. Federalnoe Gosudarstvennoe Byudzhetnoe Uchrezhdennie Nauki Federalny Issledovatelski Tsentr Institut Obshchei Fiziki Im. A.M. Prokhorova Rossiskoi Akademii Nauk

a.k.a. Prokhorov General Physics Institute Of Ras
a.k.a. Rokhorov General Physics Institute Of The Russian

Academy Of Sciences

a.k.a. Russian Academy Of Sciences - Alexandr

Mikhailovich Prokhorov General Physics Institute

a.k.a. "GPI RAS"
a.k.a. "IOF RAN"
a.k.a. "IOF RAN FGBU"

d. 38, ul. Vavilova Moscow, Moscow 119991, Russia

Baikov Institute Of Metallurgy And Materials Science, Russian Academy Of Sciences

a.k.a. Imet Ras

Leninskii Pr-T D. 49, Moscow 119991, Russia

Baghiatollah Medical Sciences University

a.k.a. Bagiatollah Medical Sciences University
a.k.a. Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University

Vanak Square, Molla-Sadra Avenue; PO Box 19945, Tehran, Iran
Budker Institute Of Nuclear Physics Of Siberian Branch Russian Academy Of Sciences

a.k.a. Budker Institute Of Nuclear Physics Of Sb Ras
a.k.a. Federalnoe Gosudarstvennoe Byudzhetnoe Uchrezhdenie Nauki Institut Yadernol Fiziki Im. G.I. Budkera Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Rossiskoi Akademii Nauk
f.k.a. Institute Of Nuclear Physics Of The Siberian Branch Of The USSR Academy Of Science
a.k.a. "BINP SB RAS"
Prospkt Akademika Lavrentyeva D 11, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia

Central Institute Of Aviation Motors

a.k.a. Ciam

Ul. Aviamotornaya, D. 2, Moscow 111116, Russia

Federal Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences

a.k.a. Federal State Institution Federal Scientific Center Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Nakhimovsky Prospect, 36, Building 1, Moscow, Russia, 117218

Federal State Autonomous Scientific Institution Central Research And Experimental And Design Institute Of Robotics And Technical Cybernetics 

a.k.a. Central Research Institute Of Robotics And Technical Cybernetics; 
a.k.a. Russian State Scientific Center For Robotics And Technical Cybernetics;
a.k.a. TSNII RTK

Prosp Tikhoretskii 21, St. Petersburg 194064, Russia
Federal State Budgetary Institution Of Science Federal Research Center Kazan Scientific Center Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences

a.k.a.  Federal Research Center Kazan Scientific Center Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences
a.k.a. Federal Gosudarstvennoe Byudzhetnoe Uchrezhdenie Nauki Kazanski Nauchny Tsentr Rossiskoi Akademii Nauk Uch
a.k.a. Federalnoe Gosudarstvennoe Byudzhetnoe Uchrezhdenie Nauki Federalny Issledovatelski Tsentr Kazanski Nauchny Tsentr Rossiskoi Akademii Nauk
d. 2/31, ul. Lobachevskogo Kazan, Tatarstan Republic 420111, Russia

Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Scientific Research Institute of Economics Informatics and Management Systems


Ul. Bronnaya M D., STR. 1, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 123104

Federal State Unitary Enterprise Dukhov Automatics Research Institute

a.k.a. All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics
a.k.a. VNIIA

22 Sushchevskaya st., Moscow, Russia, 127055

Federal State Unitary Enterprise Federal Center of Dual Technologies Soyuz

a.k.a. Federal Center for Dual Use Technologies Soyuz
a.k.a. Federal State Unitary Enterprise FTSDT Soyuz

42 Zhukov Academy St., Dzerzhinskiy, Moscow Region, Russia, 140090
Imam Hussein UniversityNear Fourth Square, Tehran Pars; Shahid Babaie Highway; near Hakimiyeh and Mini-city, Tehran, Iran

Institute Of High Current Electronics Siberian Branch Russian Academy Of Sciences

a.k.a. FGBUN Institute Of High Current Electronics Siberian Branch Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences; 
a.k.a. IHCE SB RAS

PR-KT Akademicheskii 2/3, Tomsk 634055, Russia

Institute of Applied Physics, a Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

a.k.a. IAP RAS

46 Ulyanov Str., Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 603950
Institute Of Laser Physics Of The Siberian Branch Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences

a.k.a. Institute Of Laser Physics Of The Siberian Branch Of The RAS
a.k.a. Federalnoe Gosudarstvennoe Byudzhetnoe Uchrezhdenie Nauki Institut Lazernoi Fiziki Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Rossiskoi Akademii Nauk 
a.k.a. Institute Of Laser Physics SB RAS 
a.k.a. "ILP SB RAS"
15B, prospekt Akademika Lavrenteva, Novosibirsk, Novosibirskaya Obl. 630090, Russia

Institute Of Marine Instrumentation And Robotics

a.k.a. Institut Morskogo Priborostroeniya I Robototekhnik

Ul. Universitetskaya D. 31, Pom. 2.8, Sevastopol, Ukraine

Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences

a.k.a. Federal State Financed Institution of Science Higher Education Institution Spectroscopy of the Russian Federation Academy of Sciences

Fizicheskaya Str., 5, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia, 108840

Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, a Federal State Financed Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences

a.k.a. Ioffe Institute

26 Politekhnicheskaya Str., Saint Petersburg, Russia, 194021

Joint Institute For High Temperatures Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences 

a.k.a. Federal State Budgetary Institution Of Science Joint Institute For High Temperatures Ran; 
a.k.a. "JIHT RAS"; 
a.k.a. "OIVT RAN"

Ul. Izhorskaya D. 13, Str. 2, Moscow 125412, Russia
L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Russian Academy of SciencesAkademika Semenova av., 1A, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Russia, 142432

Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

a.k.a. Federal State Financed Institution of Science Physical Higher Education Institution Named After P.N. Lebedeva of the Russian Federation Academy Sciences FIAN

a.k.a. FIAN 

53 Leninsky Ave, Moscow, Russia, 119991
Malek Ashtar UniversityShahid Baba'i Highway, Lavizan, Tehran, Iran

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, a Federal State Institution of Higher Vocational Education 

a.k.a. MIPT
a.k.a. MFTI

9 Institutskiy Per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia, 141701

Moscow State Technical University Named After Ne Bauman

a.k.a. Bauman Moscow State Technical University
a.k.a. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution Of Higher Education Moscow State Technical University Named After Ne Bauman National Research University

D. 5 Str. 1, Ul. 2-Ya Baumanskaya, Moscow 105005, Russia
Osipyan Institute Of Solid State Physics Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences
f.k.a. Federal State Budgetary Institution Of Science Institute Of Solid State Physics N.A. Yu. A. Osipyan Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences
a.k.a. Federalnoe Gosudarstvennoe Byudzhetnoe Uchrezhdenie Nauki Institut Fiziki Tverdogo Tela Rossiskoi Akademii Nauk Bu 
a.k.a. Federalnoe Gosudarstvennoe Byudzhetnoe Uchrezhdenie Nauki Institut Fiziki Tverdogo Tela Rossiskoi Akademii Nauk Fgbu
a.k.a. Institute Of Solid State Physics Of The Academy Of Sciences Sssr
a.k.a. "IFTT RAN" 
a.k.a. "ISSP RAS"
d. 2, ul. Akademika Osipyana Chernogolovka, Moskovskaya Obl 142432, Russia

Perm Scientific Research Technological Institute

a.k.a. JSC PNITI
a.k.a. PNITI PAO
a.k.a PNITI, AO

Ul. Geroev Khasana D. 41, Perm, Russia, 614990

D. 41 Korp. 1, Pm. A261, Ul. Geroev Khasana, Perm, Russia, 614064


P.L. Kapitza Institute For Physical Problems, Russian Academy Of Sciences 
f.k.a. Federalnoe Gosudarstvennoe Byudzhetnoe Uchrezhdenie Nauki Institut Fizicheskikh Problem Im. P.L. Kapitsy Rossiskoi Akademii Nauk Bu
a.k.a. Federalnoe Gosudarstvennoe Byudzhetnoe Uchrezhdenie Nauki Institut Fizicheskikh Problem Im. P.L. Kapitsy Rossiskoi Akademii Nauk
a.k.a. "IFP RAN FGBU"
a.k.a. "KIPP"
Kapitaza Institute, 2 ul. Kosygina, Moscow 119334, Russia

Research And Manufacturing Association Development Of Innovative Technologies

a.k.a. Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo Nauchno Proizvodstvennoe Obyedinenie Razvite Innovatsionnykh Tekhnologii;
a.k.a. "AO NPO RIT"

Ul. Ozernaya D. 14, K. 1, Tver 170008, Russia

Research And Production Association Named After As Popov

a.k.a. AO NPO Radiozavod Im As Popova

Ul. 10 Let Oktyabrya D. 195, Omsk 644009, Russia; Ul. Khutorskaya 2-YA D. 29, Str. 4, Moscow 127287, Russia

Research and Production Complex Technology Center, a Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution

a.k.a. SSC RAS

Shokina Square, House 1, Bld. 7 Off. 7237, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia, 124498

Russian Federal Nuclear Center - Zababakhin All-Russia Research Institute of Technical Physics

a.k.a. Chelyabinsk-70
a.k.a. Zababakhin All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics
a.k.a. Zababakhin Institute
a.k.a. VNIITF

P.O. Box 245, Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk Region, Russia, 456770
Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch, of the Russian Academy of Sciences
a.k.a. ISP SB RAS
13 Lavrentiev Aven., Novosibirsk, Russia, 630090

Scientific And Production Association Of Automatics Named After Academician Na Semikhatov 

a.k.a. Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo Nauchno Proizvodstvennoe Obyedinenie Avtomatiki Imeni Akademika Na Semikhatova; 

Ul. Mamina-Sibiryaka D.145, Yekaterinburg 620075, Russia
State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education of the Republic of Crimea Crimea Patriot Center
a.k.a. Regional Center for Preparation for Military Service and Military Patriotic Education
60 Let Oktyabrya Street, Building 13/64, Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine, 295044
Space Research Institute Russian Academy Of Sciences
a.k.a. Federalnoe Gosudarstvennoe Byudzhetnoe Uchrezhdenie Nauki Institut Kosmicheskikh Issledovani Rossiskoi Akademii Nauk 
a.k.a. "IKI RAS"
Ul Profsoyuznaya, D 84/32, Moscow 117997, Russia
Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology, a Federal State Financed Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences
a.k.a. Valiev IPT RAS
34 Nakhimovsky Ave, Moscow, Russia, 117218

Vavilov State Optical Institute 

a.k.a. Jsc Research And Production Si Vavilov

a.k.a. Research And Production Corporation Si Vavilov SOI

a.k.a.  Research And Technological Institute Of Optical Materials All Russia Scientific Center Si Vavilov State Optical Institute

Ul. Babushkina D. 36, Korp. 1, Saint Petersburg 192171, Russia