Research Integrity and Compliance

Research Integrity and Compliance

The Research Integrity and Compliance team (RIC) is working to create a model for monitoring near and long-term research risks to help identify and mitigate risks in a smarter, quicker response. This will be achieved through data analytics and development of an integrated monitoring plan to implement throughout the research compliance groups at the University. 

RIC supports the research community by facilitating the investigation of research compliance concerns, overseeing research ethics and compliance education, and assisting other ethics, regulatory, and financial compliance programs across the University.

RIC manages the Certified Approver Community of Practice: Certified approvers are responsible for ensuring that expenditures are consistent with University policy, sponsor requirements, and applicable law.

Compliance Concerns

RIC handles inquiries and incoming UReports regarding research compliance for RIO. View policies and procedures for reporting research-related compliance concerns, including for-cause investigations.

Responsible Conduct of Research Education

RIC manages the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Education. Access internal and external research ethics and compliance training resources, including mandatory Responsible Conduct of Research Core Curriculum.


See a list of programs across the institution that RIC collaborates with to deliver a culture of safety and compliance at the University

Export Controls & Foreign Influence

Export Controls is an integral program within RIC. Visit the Export Controls Office website and the International Research Support & Guidance pages.